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Free Friday: Today’s top free Amazon sci-fi and fantasy books for Aug 19, 2022

We read the first few chapters of each of the top ten free fantasy and sci-fi books on Amazon. Today’s list includes shifting magnetic poles, first contact with aliens, magical private eyes, shapeshifters, a smuggler ship caught in the middle of an interstellar war, and a magic school student with no magic. source

Wahlbeck App Hiring Fiction Writers

Wahlbeck App Hiring Fiction Writers By Amira Loutfi Editor in Cheif of Wahlbeck Inc. Mark Wahlbeck recently released a Loom video to his discord community saying that he was going to pay writers $3000 for the rights to 30,000 words of science fiction. The stories will be broken up into source

WIP: At Last a Proper Brute To Redeem House Hadan

At Last a Proper Brute to Redeem House Hadan By Amira Two figures emerged on the top of a large sand dune. They were covered tight from head to toe. One mounted a robust camel, behind the ochre veils were the eyes of a girl. Beside her strode a lengthier figure, similarly dressed. Undulating sandy hills surrounded the two, and further right  was a plateau ruffled with cliffs. Rooftops appeared far in the distance, glistening in the sunlight like a… Read More »WIP: At Last a Proper Brute To Redeem House Hadan